Saturday, July 24, 2010

ACEO Sea Turtle and Tangs

"Cleaning Time"

Here is an ACEO of a sea turtle and yellow tangs. I love these wonderful marine reptiles and enjoyed working with Kemp's Ridley sea turtles in the mid 1980's. The yellow tangs are cleaning the turtle of algae growth that accumulates because of the slow movements of the turtle. The color of the tangs contrasts nicely with the deeper violets that I used to under paint the darker areas of the turtle. I also enjoyed painting the eyes of all the creatures - it really brings the focus to the eye of the turtle which holds much wisdom. In this time of 'cleaning up the BP oil spill', turtles are a focus for many biologists and volunteers. This painting is dedicated to the continuing efforts of those helping the turtles, other wildlife and the environment.


Cleaning Time (2.5" x 3.5") by Colleen K Carrigan (c) 2010

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  1. this is a wonderful little artwork!

  2. Thank you so much, Pink. Sea turtles make wonderful art subjects and it's a great time to send positive energy their way!
